How I'm Coming In 2020

Hey Sweeties,Happy 2020!!
For my first post of 2020 I'm sharing with you all my first look of the year and a new piece added to my pajama collection. I had the day off from work so I was just lounging. I decided to get cute and share with you all this lounge look. I created this look with my new pair of pajama pants I got for Christmas. I love pajama pants and leopard. The other pieces I am wearing are older pieces I've had over the years.
In 2020 I am truly getting back to the woman I am but with an upgrade.
I feel I had to downplayed myself in certain situation to spare certain situations but I thought to myself about it. I came to the conclusion I have to be myself, either you are going to like me for being a little extra or not. I do like to keep it simple sometimes but sometimes I like to be what some people call "Being Extra". I'm being who I am and that makes me happy. I am happy with myself and how I am. I am excited to see the woman I will become in the future. I am happy to see who I will beome as a blogger, a business woman, who I am to my family,friends and as awife one day. I am growing as a person and a woman and I love who I am becoming. I do have my flaws but I'm working to make sure my good qualities outweigh those things. I'm a woman that is not just about her looks or beauty. I am about my personality,how I treat people and how hard I work for what I want and need.I hope you guys really enjoy this post. I'll be coming with some more new content soon. Don't forget to sign up to get e-mails about all my new post so you don't miss out. I hope you all have a great 2020 and I hope you guys look forward to my future post.