Back To Glamor

The Queen Is BACK(Well she never left)!! Today I’m sharing another special type of post with you all. This post is dedicated to me getting back to myself & getting back into my “girly” side. I don’t really have time to be the girly girl I truly am because of the type of job I have. So I usually have to after work which doesn’t happen often because I’m tired. So the weekend is the best time for me but I’m trying to change that. I still get my hair & nails done but this time I got them done on the same day. It was like a little pamper me day. I was rocking a blonde bob for a while. It was my first time doing blonde hair and I LOVED it. Next time I do blonde hair I’ll most likely do it longer. So recently I went back to my signature hairstyle that I love and color which is jet black I got the hair in 14 inches, I wanted 16 but they were sold out unfortunately.Since the holidays are here I got some really cute holiday nails. Below are visuals of the hair I used,visuals of my hairstyle,my outfit of the day/night & my nails. I’ll be doing a separate post all about my nails pretty soon. I really hope you guys enjoy this post. I’ll sharing more great post with you all. I hope you all have a great week,a great month and a great rest of 2019. XOXO -Sakia(Glamor)